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You Don't Need an ID to Have Fun: No ID Events for NYC Teens

You Don't Need an ID to Have Fun: No ID Events for NYC Teens

May 02, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Are you a teen who enjoys live music and dancing? If so, then the shows put on by No ID Events in NYC offer you a unique and entertaining option to get your groove on.

Teens in NYC can rejoice and unite together for a rocking good time at events provided by the company No ID Events. If you are between the ages of 14 and 18, you’ll love to visit the shows No ID Events brings to NYC, since they are focused on providing safe and friendly fun for teens.

What to do Without an ID?

No ID Events is a growing company with an increasing crowd, putting on shows and events that specifically cater to adolescents. The goal of No ID events is to connect teens together and inspire new and fun memories as well as encouraging a safe and entertaining time through their large scaled events.

No ID Events offers a variety of fun events, including bands and parties, for teens year-round at various venues. To take a look at some of their upcoming events, go here.  Tickets can be purchased for events by texting 718-986-4347.

Turning Up Without Alcohol

Before each show, No ID Events make sure all alcoholic beverages are removed from the venue. The only beverages served to teens during No ID Events’ shows are water, soda, and energy drinks. To further ensure the safety of the teens in attendance, No ID Events hires dozens of licensed security guards to monitor and secure each event.

Now teens who want to rock out to bands and dance the night away can do so safely by attending shows put on by No ID Events. If you are a teen in NYC, you won’t want to miss a beat—and you won’t have to if you participate in the shows put on by No ID Events.

If you are underaged, there are also these awesome silent disco parties for a great night out that are definitely worth checking out by clicking here

For more information on event planners like No ID Events, stay with us here at EventCombo. Here at EventCombo, we offer the most up-to-date event news, and also provide you with the ability to sell your tickets online through our website to boost your ticket sales.

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